We recognise our role in respecting and safeguarding the distinct unique rights, interests and connections to land and waters of Indigenous Peoples.
Working with others
Indigenous Peoples
As our operations may impact Indigenous Peoples’ interests, we have a responsibility to seek to understand and respect their perspectives and collaborate.
Indigenous Peoples or Communities are distinct social and cultural groups who share collective ancestral ties to lands and natural resources. Their identities, cultures, livelihoods, as well as their physical and spiritual well-being, can be inextricably linked to those lands and natural resources. We recognise Indigenous Peoples’ rights extend beyond the physical connection to land and include traditions, heritage and relationships.
- Take steps to understand who local Indigenous Peoples are, recognising that there may be more than one group.
- Confirm how they would like to be referred to and engaged with.
- Educate ourselves about Indigenous Peoples’ connections to land, water and natural resources, cultural traditions and traditional decision-making structures.
- Communicate early with Indigenous Communities, aiming to create meaningful and respectful dialogue.
- Be transparent in our consultation with Indigenous Communities and strive to listen to everyone impacted.
- Acting in a way we think is respectful or helpful without understanding Indigenous Peoples’ perspectives.
- Causing harm or degradation by not listening to or including Indigenous Communities in our activities.
- Not providing people with adequate training to interact with Indigenous Communities.
- Leaving it too late and rushing or pressuring Indigenous Communities.
- Only talking to Indigenous Peoples when we need something from them.
Do I know enough about local Indigenous Communities? Do I know how they makes decisions and what they want for the future?
Do I know the impacts on others before I start my work? Can my actions negatively impact others?
Do I have the right training to engage with Indigenous Peoples and Communities?
Please contact the External Affairs & Social Performance team if you require any assistance.
Please also review the OceanaGold Communities Policy for more information.
We have chosen to use the term “Indigenous Peoples” because it is the globally accepted term when talking about Indigenous groups as a collective. We acknowledge that this language does not capture the unique identity of specific communities.
We recognise Indigenous Peoples’ right to self-determination – to freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development – including their right to express how they should be referred to.
Working with others
Our communities and environment are key to our success.
We strive to create a positive legacy in the communities where we operate by building relationships and partnerships that deliver sustainable outcomes.
We commit to responsible environmental management and strive to protect the environment.
Communicating externally
We communicate respectfully and transparently about our activities, operations and performance.
Our suppliers
We work collaboratively with our suppliers to do business with integrity and accountability.
Government & civil society
We are committed to genuine dialogue and respectful engagement with governments and civil society.