living our code

Living our code

Speaking up

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  3. Speaking up

It is important to call out something which is not right – both to prevent things from going wrong or to respond when something wrong has happened

Every concern is unique and will be handled slightly differently, depending on what it is and how you speak up.

We recognise speaking up isn’t always easy. We protect people who speak up about potential misconduct – if at any time you believe you are being treated unfairly because you raised a concern, you should reach out to the Business Integrity team for support.

Speak up

At any time you can report a concern at – our confidential and independently run hotline.

Living our code

Our Code of Conduct is core to who we are and how we work. It is based on our values, sets expectations and guides our decisions.

Making decisions

Making decisions

Our Code guides us in our work, but it cannot cover every situation. When faced with a decision you are unsure about, ask yourself these questions.

What we value

What we value

Our vision is to be a company that people trust, want to work and partner with, supply and invest in. Our values guide the actions we take to bring this vision to life.

Our expectations

Our expectations

Every time we have contact with another person in the workplace we are contributing to the culture of our workplace. We all make many decisions in our day – some simple, some not so simple.