We compete fairly and succeed on merit.
Working with integrity
Fair dealing
Free and fair competition benefits us and society. It gives us greater choice and can lead to innovation.
Unfair competition can take many forms. It broadly includes any actions we take to make it difficult for other companies to compete commercially. It distorts markets, harms people and destroys trust. Sharing confidential information about OceanaGold can also be unfair competition. Breaching competition laws could also have serious consequences for individuals and OceanaGold, including fines and imprisonment.
- Deal fairly, never misusing information, power, or influence.
- Do not manipulate, conceal or misrepresent.
- Consider fair competition risks when dealing with (potential) competitors, regulators, and suppliers.
- Consider whether the information we are using is confidential. We check if the information is available publicly before sharing it outside OceanaGold.
- Only gather information ethically on competitors and other stakeholders.
- Sharing information without thinking about confidentiality.
- Getting too close to business partners and forgetting about knowledge- sharing boundaries.
- Thinking what we’re sharing is common knowledge when it’s confidential information.
- Not setting clear boundaries about what information can and can’t be shared.
- Not disclosing it when someone tells us something they shouldn’t have.
How could this look to others?
Am I over-sharing?
Is this information available outside of OceanaGold?
Please contact the Legal team if you require any assistance.
Please also review the OceanaGold Anti-Corruption Policy for more information.
Working with integrity
Working with integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is watching. It also means doing what we say we are going to do.
Corruption & dishonesty
We want to contribute and succeed fairly and honestly. We do not give, accept, ask for, offer or authorise anything that might improperly influence a decision.
Giving & receiving
We contribute and build relationships through mutual respect and transparency. Giving and receiving must never improperly influence ours or others’ decisions.
Conflicts of interest
We take care that our decisions in our work are not influenced by interests which could conflict with OceanaGold’s.
Insider information
We handle insider information responsibly and do not engage in insider trading. We do not use confidential or insider information for personal gain for ourselves or others.
Personal information
We collect, use, store and dispose of personal information responsibly and legally.
Our assets
We protect and respect OceanaGold’s assets and use them only for proper business purposes.