We contribute and build relationships through mutual respect and transparency. Giving and receiving must never improperly influence ours or others’ decisions.
Working with integrity
Giving and receiving
Sponsorships and donations can support and strengthen our local communities. Other giving and receiving such as gifts, entertainment or hospitality may also have a legitimate business benefit.
We act with integrity so we must never allow giving or receiving gifts, entertainment and hospitality, or sponsorships and donations, to improperly influence decisions or behaviour.
- Only give or receive gifts or hospitality that are reasonable in the circumstances and not intended to influence business decisions or behaviour.
- Ensure any sponsorships or donations meet our requirements.
- Do not give or accept anything which could put our integrity in doubt.
- Obtain required approvals and keep accurate records of all gifts, hospitality, sponsorship and donations.
- Openly and transparently participate in any monitoring or review processes.
- Not communicating clearly what we can give or accept, allowing others to take advantage.
- Not thinking about how it might look.
- Not being clear about why we are providing a sponsorship or donation.
- Not knowing who ultimately benefits from the sponsorship or donation.
Does it coincide with negotiations or a decision?
Who is involved, and what is proposed? Is the person receiving in a position of influence, access or decision-making power?
Does the sponsorship or donation meet our requirements and support sustainable development? Has this been documented?
Please contact the Business Integrity team if you require any assistance.
Please also review the OceanaGold Anti-Corruption Policy for more information.
Working with integrity
Working with integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is watching. It also means doing what we say we are going to do.
Corruption & dishonesty
We want to contribute and succeed fairly and honestly. We do not give, accept, ask for, offer or authorise anything that might improperly influence a decision.
Insider information
We handle insider information responsibly and do not engage in insider trading. We do not use confidential or insider information for personal gain for ourselves or others.
Conflicts of interest
We take care that our decisions in our work are not influenced by interests which could conflict with OceanaGold’s.
Personal information
We collect, use, store and dispose of personal information responsibly and legally.
Our assets
We protect and respect OceanaGold’s assets and use them only for proper business purposes.