We collect, use, store and dispose of personal information responsibly and legally.
Working with integrity
Privacy & personal information
The information we use in our work can include personal information about individuals and sensitive personal information (such as medical records). People trust us to keep this information safe and secure.
Disclosing or using any personal information inappropriately can compromise the privacy and security of individuals. A cyber security breach can also compromise the confidentiality of the personal information we hold.
Unauthorised disclosure of personal information could cause OceanaGold to breach our legal obligations.
- Collect the minimum amount of personal information that we need for business purposes.
- Use personal information for legitimate purposes only and limit access to those who need it for their work.
- Store physical and electronic copies securely.
- Do not keep personal information for longer than needed and we destroy it securely.
- Do cybersecurity training and look out for and report suspicious emails.
- Follow our procedures and local privacy and data protection laws.
- Report potential data breaches to the Privacy Officer immediately.
- Asking for more personal information than we need “just in case”.
- Collecting sensitive information without the necessary consent.
- Leaving documents containing personal information lying around.
- Discussing someone’s personal information (e.g. medical record or their address) in a shared space or public place where others can overhear.
- Sharing our OceanaGold login details with someone else.
- Leaving our computer unlocked when we walk away from it.
Do we need to collect this personal information?
Does this person need to know the information I’m about to share with them?
Would I feel comfortable hearing my personal information shared in this way?
Ask the Legal team or go to: For a cybersecurity question ask the Digital Technology team.
Please also review the OceanaGold Privacy Policy for more information.
Working with integrity
Working with integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is watching. It also means doing what we say we are going to do.
Corruption & dishonesty
We want to contribute and succeed fairly and honestly. We do not give, accept, ask for, offer or authorise anything that might improperly influence a decision.
Giving & receiving
We contribute and build relationships through mutual respect and transparency. Giving and receiving must never improperly influence ours or others’ decisions.
Conflicts of interest
We take care that our decisions in our work are not influenced by interests which could conflict with OceanaGold’s.
Insider information
We handle insider information responsibly and do not engage in insider trading. We do not use confidential or insider information for personal gain for ourselves or others.
Our assets
We protect and respect OceanaGold’s assets and use them only for proper business purposes.